escape dependency hell
pixi - powerful development environments on Windows, macOS and Linux
pixi is a fast software package manager built on top of the existing conda ecosystem. Spins up development environments quickly on Windows, macOS and Linux.
Automatic lockfiles produce reproducible environments across operating systems (without Docker!).
pixi supports Python, R, C/C++, Rust, Ruby, and many other languages.
Install pixi
To install, run the following command in your terminal:
curl -fsSL | bash
Or find alternative installation methods in our documentation.

rattler-build - the revolutionary build tool for the conda ecosystem now (almost) available in conda-forge.

Install your favorite tools system-wide and declaratively with the revamped pixi global!

Pixi is conda-compatible and comes with more speed, lockfiles and tasks. It is the next-gen package manager for Python and R and more.

Get started quickly
Our mission is to make pixi as simple as possible to use.
Getting a complex project running is as simple as pixi run start
- Reproducible: Work in dedicated, isolated environments that can still be recreated in a 100 years.
- Tasks: Simplify complex tasks by utilizing command shortcuts.
- CI: Replicate environments in CI with ease.
✔ Created /home/user/project/pixi.toml
➜ cd project
➜ pixi add python numpy cmake
✔ Added python >=3.13.0,<3.14
✔ Added numpy >=2.1.3,<3
✔ Added cmake >=3.31.1,<4
➜ pixi run python --version
Python 3.13.0
➜ pixi add python==3.10
✔ Added python==3.10
➜ pixi run python --version
Python 3.10.0
Collaborate with developers
Great projects are the fruit of collective effort. Pixi makes onboarding and collaboration simple and seamless.
- Reproducibility: Always maintain updated lockfiles.
- Multi-platform: Ensure compatibility across Windows, MacOS, and Linux.
- Version Control: Leverage Git to keep track of your environment changes.
➜ cat pixi.toml
name = "project"
version = "0.1.0"
description = "Example project"
authors = ["Pixi <>"]
channels = ["conda-forge"]
platforms = ["linux-64", "win-64", "osx-arm64", "osx-64"]
start = "python"
python = ">=3.13.0,<3.14"
numpy = ">=2.1.3,<3"
cmake = ">=3.31.1,<4"
Share with everyone Coming soon
Transform your project into a Conda package for effortless installation on any machine.
➜ pixi build
✔ Build project successfully into /home/user/project/project-0.1.0.conda
Powered by open-source channels:conda-forge, bioconda, robostack, and more!
We are building on top of the Conda packaging ecosystem, which already provides thousands of packages for Python and other languages. We are looking at ways to unify this with the existing PyPI ecosystem. Learn more about the Conda ecosystem and its channels in our documentation.